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Counting Down - 8 Days til Launch

Welcome to the second day of my author diary.

Maison Longuet is jumping to the beat of Sergeant-Major Hazel's orders. I've been barking instructions out today like the rattle of a machine gun. No one will come visit me again - my poor parents are quite exhausted. It's important people. I've only got 8 days until launch!

So in a nutshell - I've been focused on three main things - exposure to readers (advertising and promotions), reader validation (getting reviews), and feeding the social media beast (creating enough social media content to satisfy the entire launch period).

I'm trying to get a bit in advance of myself as my aunt and cousins are visiting this weekend and I'd dearly love to be able to allocate some social time whilst they are here.

If you have any questions post them in the comments below and I'll do my best to cover them in the following day's video.

If you'd like to see House of Scarabs on Amazon - check it out here

My Amazon author page can be found here (I'm showing you the version because for some reason they have a much fuller biography section than the other sites.)

I still have a few places available on my Advance Reader Team where you can read and review my books before anyone else. So if you'd like to be one of the first people to get your hands on House of Scarabs for FREE please click here and sign up.

Too-da-loo for now.

Hazel x

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